Scented Candle Cold Throws Explained
We’ve all been there (I Think). Browsing a store and you see a pretty unlit scented candle. You pick it up, bring it to your nose and take a nice whiff. That smell you smell is called the cold throw of a scented candle. The cold throw can actually be quite faint, or it can be quite strong. Most likely it is somewhere right in the middle.
Sometimes, depending on the composition of the candle, a candle can have a mild or faint cold throw and have a surprisingly powerful hot throw. Or on the other side it can have a very strong cold throw and a very faint hot throw. So that’s why we rate our strengths. But we’ll get to that.
Hot Throw Explained
The hot throw of a scented candle is simply how strong a scented candle is when lit. Sometimes a candle can have an enormous cold throw and then when lit you can’t smell a darn thing. There are many reasons for that and we can get into that in another article. But ultimately, when you have a scented candle you want the hot throw to be…well… what you want it to be. We say that because everyone has their own preferences on the hot throw of a candle. Even we at Benjamin can’t all agree on a particular throw level. For instance, The Matthew Collection is more floral and is mostly on the stronger spectrum of hot throws while the Pacing Collection and Madison Isles collections are on the milder hot throw spectrum. The Winter Collection, Benjamin Collection, and Mernetta Collection are somewhere in the middle.
Strength And Room Size
There are a million ways to change the throw of a candle, but ultimately everything about it is subjective. We do rate our candles by the strength of its hot throw so that you know what to expect. Just look for the strength rating on the candles item page.
Usually both our classic sized candle and its bigger sibling, the large sized candle, can fill a 1000 square foot room with a luxurious full bodied scent. The higher the strength rating the stronger the room scent will be. For example, Winter Cashmere, which is a full strength scent, will be more full bodied than Cucumber Spa Day. It is intended to be that way. Cucumber Spa Day is a mid strength rated candle that can never be too harsh no matter the room size. It’s a relaxing scent that is formulated to not overly arouse your senses. So do view the strength rating of your candle and enjoy it as much as we do! Feel free to comment below we love hearing from you!
2 Comments. Leave new
I have Winter Cashmere. The cold throw is great. I haven’t lit it yet. Will the cold throw fade?
Worry not! Or not too much! The cold throw of a candle will fade a little bit over time. But it will last about 4 months without any noticeable loss in its cold throw.